Louis XIV by Bernini

Here is another project l did as part of the Scan the world initative. Based on a 3Dscan of Louis XIV.
For this project I did the retopo, UV, projection of details, Textures in Substance painter and rendered it for final presentation. The Equestrian Statue of King Louis XIV is a late sculpture designed and partially executed by the Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

Worth noting that Louis XIV of France was extremely unhappy with the end result and had it placed in a corner of the gardens of the royal palace at Versailles. Eventually, the sculpture was modified by François Girardon and altered into an equestrian sculpture of the ancient Roman hero Marcus Curtius A print of the sculpture, mistakenly identified as being by Bernini's father Pietro, exists in the Bibliotheque Nationale de France. This scan was produced in collaboration between The Statens Museum for Kunst and Scan the World for the SMK project.